"We keep looking ahead!"

by Wim de Rooij

COVID-19 has been keeping us busy for over a year now. It’s been a year in which we have faithfully adhered to the measures imposed by the government. It’s not much fun, because you would like to visit friends, family, children and grandchildren together. But that’s just the way it is. All the measures are in place with the aim of bringing infection rates down, so that more and more easing of restrictions is possible.

Sometimes you wonder what things will look like after the summer. In the Netherlands, the expectation is that everyone who wants to will have been able to get their first vaccination by the summer. I have already had mine, but I don’t think I will suddenly start living freely again. No, more than a year of giving things up and complying with measures is not something you suddenly forget after two shots. The coronavirus hit us suddenly but we are saying goodbye to it gradually.

Above all, we must keep looking ahead and not dwell on what is not allowed (yet). Instead, let’s look at everything that is possible. We are following with interest the trials and test situations, which should make events possible again in the future. Small concerts have already taken place, the theaters opened their doors on a trial basis and audiences were also allowed at soccer matches. Even better, at the Eurovision Song Contest being held in Rotterdam, an audience is also allowed to be present. Not a huge crowd, but it’s something. It shows that we are on the right track again.

What does all this mean for the World Police & Fire Games, to be held next year in July? We have already moved the event back a year and we are confident that we can make it a wonderful event in just over a year’s time. It’s good for us as an organization and good for all the competitors, many of whom have already indicated that they are keen to come to Rotterdam. We don’t know what the world will be like then. But we have learned a great deal from COVID-19 worldwide and know that enough measures can be taken to keep it under control. That is why it’s a good idea to put the WPFG Rotterdam 2022 in your calendar from 22-31 July, because we as organization will be ready to welcome you!