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CompetitionNameCountryRanking / TimeRemarks
Squash Men 40 - 49 Hussain SAFAR MOHAMMAD Kuwait 1
Squash Men 40 - 49 Frank BUITENHUIS Netherlands 2
Squash Men 40 - 49 Antonio GANETO Netherlands 3
Squash Men 40 - 49 Pascal Marc LAURENT Switzerland 4
Squash Men 50 - 100 Harry BOSCH Netherlands 1
Squash Men 50 - 100 Jacobus DE KONING Netherlands 2
Squash Men 50 - 100 Sharifuddin BIN AB GHANI Malaysia 3
Squash Men 50 - 100 Andreas SCHAEFER Germany 4
Squash Women 30 - 39 Priscilla KLOOSTRA Netherlands 1
Squash Women 30 - 39 Ilse VAN SCHUBERT Netherlands 2
Squash Women 30 - 39 Carmen Maria LORENZO ORTEGA Spain 3
Squash Women 50 - 100 Gabriele SIPPEL Germany 1

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