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Shotgun Trap
CompetitionNameCountryRanking / TimeRemarks
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams A L.O.F.T. Marcus May 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams A L.O.F.T. Andrew Laurinec 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams A L.O.F.T. Josh Martini 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams A L.O.F.T. Petri Huru 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams A L.O.F.T. Raymond Holmes 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Luca Ricoveri 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Robert Clarke 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Anthony Read 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Fabrizio Evangelisti 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Aldo Mauro Amato 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Raffaele Saladino 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Cataldo Bellanova 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Giancarlo Boccacci 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Cosimo Caroli 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Umberto Manelli 1
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C BlueTrapD Mandy Lowe 2
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C BlueTrapD Patrick Cullen 2
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C BlueTrapD John Troy 2
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C BlueTrapD Gary Butler 2
Shotgun Skeet 22 yard trap teams C BlueTrapD Maura Walsh 2
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams A L.O.F.T. Petri Huru 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams A L.O.F.T. Raymond Holmes 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams A L.O.F.T. Marcus May 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams A L.O.F.T. Andrew Laurinec 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams A L.O.F.T. Josh Martini 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Aldo Mauro Amato 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Luca Rociveri 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Robert Clarke 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Anthony Read 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams B ITALYVF-DT-2022 Fabrizio Evangelisti 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Cosimo Caroli 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Umberto Manelli 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Cataldo Bellanova 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Raffaele Saladino 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C POLIZA LOCALE ITALIA Giancarlo Boccacci 1
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C BlueTrapD John Troy 2
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C BlueTrapD Gary Butler 2
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C BlueTrapD Maura Walsh 2
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C BlueTrapD Mandy Lowe 2
Shotgun Skeet doubles trap teams C BlueTrapD Patrick Cullen 2

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