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CompetitionNameCountryRanking / TimeRemarks
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Jens Ahland DE 1 182
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Pieter Los NL 10 224
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C andreas bell DE 11 228
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Niels van Dijk NL 12 229
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Kevin Broersma NL 13 230
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C joachim Wermus CH 14 231
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Mick Visser NL 15 236
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Sven Weisshaupt CH 16 238
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Dorian Patrick Labora CH 17 241
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Sem Grasmeijer NL 18 248
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Kevin Kruiswijk NL 19 250
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Laurence Mc Henry GB 2 203
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C David Hugaerts BE 20 251
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Thomas Wilhelm CH 21 255
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Adriano Kunz CH 22 257
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Floris Mulder NL 23 282
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Patrick Haab CH 3 203
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C David Wyss CH 4 207
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Thomas Markus Suter CH 5 210
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Patrik Aspengren SE 6 211
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Bjorn Schultze DE 7 215
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Frank Mangelschots BE 8 219
Golf Mens 18+ Flight C Jake NAPPER AU 9 223

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