Featuring 63 sports, around 500 medal events and over 40 different venues, the Games will open on 22 July 2022 and close on 31 July.
After the opening ceremony has taken place in Stadion Feyenoord on Friday 22 July, the action swings into full gear on Saturday 23 July with 20 sports, four of which are service-related sports such as the Ultimate Firefighter, Rifle Air and the 'Toughest Competitor Alive'.
For a full rundown of the sports schedule, click here.
Soon we will also launch the WPFG2022 Entrybook with extensive information per sport. Registration of the World Police & Fire Games 2022 starts on December 1. From that date, participants from all over the world can register for the WPFG2022.
Do you have a question about a sport? Please contact the relevant sports coordinator. The sports page lists the sports coordinator for each sport, including contact details. Click
here to go to the sports page.
Do you have a general question about the scheme? Please contact