Strong organizations through diversity
It is precisely this diversity that makes for strong organizations within the fire, police, customs and corrections services. Organizations that reflect society.

In sport we unite
Inclusion means that everyone feels involved and valued; not in spite of differences, but because of them. No one is excluded, implicitly or explicitly, on the basis of their individual characteristics. This applies within corps, departments, barracks and teams; and also in sport. In sport we unite!

Diversity & Inclusion Conference

On Tuesday, July 26, WPFG Rotterdam 2022, together with a number of partners, will organize a conference on diversity and inclusion in security services.

Speakers include Arjen Littooij, board member of WPFG and director of the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Safety Region on diversity at the work place and Jan van de Werken, Rotterdam police, on PTSD. Representatives of Roze in Rood, Netwerk Firefighter Women and Roze in Blauw will talk about gender (un)equality and LGBT+ acceptance in the emergency services.

The program is presented by Ellie Lust and will be spoken in Dutch.

The conference is interesting for policy officers, HRM staff and managers working for one of the four services involved (police, fire department, customs and the Judicial Institutions Department). Of course, other interested parties are also welcome.

Facts & Figures
Venue: Timmerhuis Rotterdam, Halvemaanpassage 1, 3011 AH Rotterdam
Date: Tuesday July 26, 2022
Time: 09:00 - 13:30
Language: Dutch

The conference is about inclusion and exclusion mechanisms in emergency services with a focus on LGBT+ and mental overload. Led by chairwoman Ellie Lust, people from different backgrounds will talk about how it feels to be excluded or included, what patterns and mechanisms are involved and what the consequences can be for individuals or organizations.
The WPFG2022 embraces the themes of diversity and inclusion. Nowhere else in the world do so many different people come together who all have the same passions: their work and their sport. That is why diversity and inclusion is one of the main themes of the WPFG2022 side-event program.

In addition to a two-day international conference and theme days in the Athletes Village, a diverse range of activities are being developed to celebrate diversity and inclusion in all its facets.

Do you embrace this theme, too? If so, you can link your name to parts of the side-event program by becoming a sponsor.


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